SIDPOP - Support instrument for decision making in POP management. Case study: Mures Catchment Area

Visit at the University of Life Sciences (NMBU) in Oslo

During the week of 2nd – 6th of November 2015, several meetings of an international team of experts took place at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences offices in Oslo, Norway under the project "SIDPOP – Support Instrument for Decision Making in POP Management; case study: the Mureș River catchment area" ID 66243, financed by the EEA Financial Mechanism 2009-2014.

On this occasion, several SIDPOP specific activities took place, including implemented activities briefing, discussions about the criteria selection related with the field work, selected sampling sites, target species, targeted substances, organization of the screening campaign, technical consultations and planning.

The agenda of the meetings also included the technical arrangements for the inter-calibration of the Sibiu Ecotoxicology laboratory and the NMBU Ecotoxicology laboratory, by performing parallel screening tests on the first batch of aquatic species tissue samples in the two labs and by organizing study visits for PhD students in 2016.

The meetings were also attended by 3 experts of the Project Implementation Team from the "Lucian Blaga" University of Sibiu, meaning the dean of the Faculty of Life Sciences, Associated Professor dr. Angela Bănăduc (SIDPOP project manager), Professor dr. Dan Chicea (analysis methods/equipment maintenance expert) and Attending Professor dr. Doru Bănăduc (ichthyologist).
