
July 24
Project Presented

Radu Vancu presents the TRANSHIROL project at the event “Literature in the Digital and Transnational Era,” a dialogue with Ruxandra Gâdei organized within the Electric Castle music festival in Bonțida, Cluj county.

July 20
Book Published

Teodora Dumitru publishes Thermosofia și alte muze: 6 studii despre Maiorescu, Eminescu, Lovinescu și modelele lor din știință și filosofie (Thermosophy and Other Muses: Six Studies on Maiorescu, Eminescu, Lovinescu, and Their Scientific and Philosophical Models, Sibiu: Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu Press), the second individual volume funded by the TRANSHIROL project.

July 12
Prize Won

Imre József Balázs receives the Prize for Comparative Literature of the Romanian Association of General and Comparative Literature (link: for his volume Rețele avangardiste, afilieri multiple.

June 9-13
Conference Organized

Institute of Critical Theory, 5th edition: A Transnational History of Romanian Literature (Sibiu-Păltiniș). A TRANSHIROL event. Programme

June 3
Lecture Given

Christian Moraru gives the lecture “Who’s Afraid of World Literature?” at the University of Bucharest, Romania

May 24
Project Presented

Radu Vancu presents the TRANSHIROL project at the event “Literature in the Zuckerberg Galaxy”, organized within the National Olympiad “Reading as a Life Ability” 2024, the Bistrița Synagogue.

May 14
Prize Won

Imre József Balázs receives the Prize for Literary History, Criticism, and Theory of the Observator cultural magazine for his volume Rețele avangardiste, afilieri multiple.

March 13
Lecture Given

Andrei Terian gives the lecture “Waves, Viruses, Sieges: A History of World Literature in Three Maps” at the Department of Comparative Literature – New York University (NYU), New York, USA

Conference Participation

NeMLA 55th Annual Convention. Tufts University, Boston, MA, US. 4 TRANSHIROL papers presented in the conference.

March 7
Lecture Given

Christian Moraru gives the lecture “Oikos and Cosmos after New Materialism: Toward an Ontologically Oriented Cosmopolitanism” in Melbourne, Australia (a joint event of University of Melbourne and the Greek Center in Melbourne).

Prize Won

Andrei Terian, PI of the TRANSHIROL project, is awarded the Dimitrie Cantemir Prize for Humanities at the second edition of the Romanian Research Gala, organized by the Romanian Ministry of Research, Innovation, and Digitalization. It is the most prestigious and substantial prize granted so far in the Romanian academic system, amounting to cca. €60,000.

December 15
Book Chapters Published

Publication of The German Model in Romanian Culture / Das deutsche Vorbild in der rumänischen Kultur (Berlin: Peter Lang), edited by Maria Sass, Ovio Olaru, and Andrei Terian. The volume includes six chapters written for TRANSHIROL.

October 19
Conference Panel Organized

Doris Mironescu co-organizes the TRANSHIROL panel “Decolonizing Post-Cold War Hierarchies: Research Practices and Fictional Discourses” within the 2023 ASEEES Virtual Convention

August 4
Lecture Given

Christian Moraru gives the lecture “Romanian Literature as World Literature” in Korce, Albania (a joint event of University of Korce and Romania’s Information Center Korce).

July 20
Lecture Given

Christian Moraru gives the lecture “An Ethos of Attunement: Ruxandra Novac among Objects” at the University of Augsburg, Germany.

June 26
Book Published

Imre József Balázs publishes Rețele avangardiste, afilieri multiple (Avant-garde Networks, Multiple Affiliations, Bucharest: Tracus Arte), the first individual volume funded from the TRANSHIROL project.

April 19
Lecture Given

As President of the National Olympiad of Romanian Language and Literature, organized in Sibiu, Andrei Terian gives a lecture on the very first Romanian novel in which he summarizes some of the most relevant results of TRANSHIROL.

December 17
Lecture Given

Andrei Terian gives the lecture “Beyond the Aesthetic: Paradigms and Directions in the Development of Romanian Literary Criticism” (online) for the South China Normal University, Guangzhou, China

December 1
Special Issue Coordinated

“Anca Parvulescu and Manuela Boatca’s Creolizing the Modern: Transylvania Across Empires. A special issue of the journal Transilvania published within TRANSHIROL and edited by Ștefan Baghiu.

December 1
Special Issue Coordinated

“Romanian Literary History at a Crossroads. A special issue of the journal Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai. Philologia published within TRANSHIROL and edited by Daiana Gârdan, Emanuel Modoc, and Christian Moraru.

November 29
Project Presented

Andrei Terian presents the TRANSHIROL project at the event “100 Years of Romanian Studies in Slovakia”, Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovakia

November 10
Lecture Given

Andrei Terian gives the lecture “Romanian Literature as East-European Literature” at the Department of Slavic, East European & Eurasian Languages and Cultures – University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), California, USA

July 30 - August 4
Conference Organized

Institute of Critical Theory, 4th edition: Postmillenial Literature in Romania: Towards a New Aesthetics (Sibiu-Păltiniș). A TRANSHIROL event. Programme

June 14
Lecture Given

Christian Moraru gives the lecture “Comparative into World Literature: Scholarships and Politics in the Contemporary Era” at the University of Alicante, Spain

October 30
Special Issue Coordinated

“Mihai Iovănel’s History of Contemporary Romanian Literature 1990-2020. A special issue of the journal Transilvania published within TRANSHIROL and edited by Ștefan Baghiu.

October 19-21
Kick-Off Meeting Organized

The project kick-off meeting (Sibiu)

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