Project seminar
On the 30th of March 2016 the "Lucian Blaga" University of Sibiu (Academic Meeting Centre, 7, Banatului street) will host the SIDPOP Project progress seminar – Support instrument for decision-making in the…
Visit at the University of Life Sciences (NMBU) in Oslo
During the week of 2nd – 6th of November 2015, several meetings of an international team of experts took place at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences offices in Oslo, Norway under the project "SIDPOP –…
SIDPOP website launch
We officially announce the launching of the SIDPOP website, "Support instrument for decision-making in the management of persistent organic pollutants. Case study: Mureș River catchment area".
SIDPOP project launch
On the 25th of June 2015, in the Aula Magna of the "Lucian Blaga" University of Sibiu, took place the kick-off conference for the project SIDPOP – Support instrument for decision-making in the management of…