SIDPOP - Support instrument for decision making in POP management. Case study: Mures Catchment Area

Project seminar

On the 30th of March 2016 the "Lucian Blaga" University of Sibiu (Academic Meeting Centre, 7, Banatului street) will host the SIDPOP Project progress seminar - Support instrument for decision-making in the management of persistent organic pollutants. Case study: Mureș River catchment area, a project financed by the Ro04 Programme - Reduction of hazardous substances by the EEA Grants 2009 – 2014 Financial Mechanism.

During the first part of the event, besides the project presentation, the classes of organic pollutants will be described as well as their impact on the environment and human health, and the areas potentially affected by the POP (persistent organic pollutants) pollution in the Mureș River catchment area. The presented information will be discussed with the interested stakeholders.

The second part of the event is dedicated to methodological and functional aspects: the research infrastructure created within the project will be described, as well as the methods used for POP pollution assessment; also the structure of the database regarding the POP distribution and concentrations in the Mureș River catchment area will be presented and discussed.

The seminar will be attended by representatives of the following institutions responsible for persistent organic pollutants management and various stakeholders: ANAR, ANPA, ABA Mureş, SGA Alba, APM Hunedoara, APM Alba, APM Cluj, APM Sibiu, DJA Alba, and the NGO Ecotur Sibiu.

