"Lucian Blaga" University of Sibiu

"Lucian Blaga" University of Sibiu is a public higher education institution certified by ARACIS and ranked as "Highly trusted", and it comprises 9 faculties and 23 research centres.
ULBS is a partner of numerous cooperation agreements with 108 universities, out of which 4 consortiums, 33 Erasmus cooperation agreements and 61 partnerships, with universities such as: Medicine University of Vienna (Austria), Hull University and Central Lancashire University (UK), Institute of Technology Sligo (Ireland), University of Leon (Spain), University of Applied Sciences of München (Germany), Inholland University of Haarlem (Holland), National Polytechnic Institute of Toulouse (France), Academia di Belle Arti Abadir of Palermo (Italy) etc.
During 2008-2013, ULBS implemented 78 research and development projects with national and international financing (total budget 7 094 162.59 Euros) out of which 22 environmental projects.
In 2011 was ranked as a Romanian institution from the second category, meaning as a scientific research and education university.
The Norwegian University of Life Sciences

The Norwegian University of Life Sciences is a higher education institution with intensive research and study activities promoting autonomous independent health research, through three faculties and six research centres:
The Faculty of Environmental Science and Technology
- Department of Ecology and Natural Resource Management
- Department of Environmental Sciences
- Department of Mathematical Sciences and Technology
The Faculty of Social Sciences
- International Environment and Development Studies (Noragric)
- Landscape Architecture and Spatial Planning
- School of Economics and Business
The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Biosciences
- Department of Animal and Aquacultural Sciences
- Department of Basic Sciences and Aquatic Medicine
- Department of Chemistry, Biotechnology and Food Science
- Department of Companion Animal Clinical Sciences
- Department of Food Safety and Infection Biology
- Department of Plant Sciences
- Department of Production Animal Clinical Sciences
It also includes the following research centres:
- Bioenergy Innovation Centre, CenBio
- Centre for Feed Technology
- Centre for Environmental Radioactivity
- Centre for Integrative Genetics - Cigene
- Centre for Land Tenure Studies
- Centre for Landscape Democracy (CLAD)
- Foods of Norway (SFI)
- Imaging Centre
NMBU is a hub of expertise within life sciences, environmental sciences and in the arena of sustainable development.
NMBU will continue to develop, innovate and expand the competence areas set during its 150 years-long history.
The university is above all the place where a innovative, competitive and socially committed academic communities, works together for the sustainable development of the following areas:
- Applied and theoretical life sciences
- Biological production, including aquaculture
- Natural resources use and preservation
- Environment, climate change and renewable energy
- Development and globalisation studies
- Landscaping and land management
- Food production and safety
- Technology
- Economy and social sciences
- Teachers training in the area of natural sciences and natural resources management
- Human and animal health
NMBU's research is enabling people all over the world to tackle the big, global challenges regarding the environment, sustainable development, how to improve human and animal health, renewable energy sources, food production, and land- and resource management.
NMBU's mission is to contribute to the well-being of the planet. Our interdisciplinary research generates innovations in food, health, environmental protection, climate and sustainable use of natural resources.
S.C. Magnum S.R.L.

S.C. MAGNUM S.R.L. is a company established in 1992 providing services in the following fields of expertise:
- Planning and organizing events of all types, such as workshops, meetings, seminars, regional, national and international conferences, study visits and trips, team-buildings, classes, trainings, fairs and expos
- Consultancy for publicity, communication, public relations
- Consultancy and support in project writing
- Training activities (ANC-certified), providing trainers in various fields of expertise
- Since 2013 we added publicity agencies services such as design and production of informational materials (TV spots, posters, brochures, flyers, banners, roll-ups, press releases, etc.) and promotional materials (personalization, according to the beneficiary's requirements, of products such as notebooks, pens, folders, post-its and stickers, canvas bags, caps, flags, block-notes, T-shirts, etc.
The Company has more than 23 years of experience in providing the previously mentioned services and products and its success is demonstrated by the nominalizations and awards granted by the Romanian Chamber of Commerce and Industry in 2003 and 2004, as well as by the Prahova County Chamber of Commerce and Industry in 2005 and 2006.
During the last years the Company developed its consultancy and publicity departments in order to be able to supply more complex and varied services and to support the implementation of projects financed by national funds, by Cohesion and Structural European Funds.
Magnum specific competences, skills and experience
In its 23 years of experience, the company evolved, reaching European standards both as service and facilities provide and consultancy services, event planning, publicity of projects financed by European pre-accession and post-accession financial instruments.
Services provided by S.C. MAGNUM S.R.L.:
- Event planning and logistics (transport and accommodation, lunches and dinners, coffee breaks, meeting facilities)
- Technical equipment and assistance
- Translation / interpretation
- Copying (hard copy /digital devices) and hand-out-ready folders for trainees
- Expertise in various fields (structural funds, procurement, training, etc.)
- Creation and production of information and promotional materials
- Public relations
- Management consultancy
- Training classes
- Human resources: trainers and key experts, technical experts, technical staff and interpreters
- Project / contract management (coordination, monitoring, control and reporting)
Prominent clients:
- Ministry of European Affairs – Structural Instruments Coordination Authority (ACIS) / Ministry of European Funds
- Ministry of Education – National Centre for Technical and Vocational Education Development;
- Advocacy Academy Association;
- Ministry of Regional Development and Tourism;
- Ministry of Administration and Internal Affairs;
- The Free Education Trade Unions Federation;
- Scottish Qualifications Authority;
- WYG International Limited;
- Business and Strategies Europe;
- Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Protection and Elderly Persons;
- National Agency for Disabled Persons;
- Energy Design and Study Institute;
- National Tourism Authority;
- Agency for Payments and Intervention in Agriculture – Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development;
- "Victor Babeș" Institute
- Regional Development Agency – Centre Region
- Galați County Council
- Inter-community Development Agency OLT.