We have launched the SIDPOP website

We officially announce the launching of the SIDPOP website, "Support instrument for decision-making in the management of persistent organic pollutants. Case study: Mureș River catchment area".
Here you will be able to follow up on useful information about the project, its evolution, and its results as well as about the project partners. Also, here you will be introduced to all future events and news related to the SIDPOP project.
About the SIDPOP Project
The SIDPOP Project aims to support the decision making process in the field of chemicals and hazardous waste by developing a support instrument for decision-making in the management of persistent organic pollutants (POP).
Proiect promoter: "Lucian Blaga" University of Sibiu
Project partners:
- The Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Oslo, Norway
- S.C. Magnum S.R.L.
Project Duration: 12 months
Project Location: The project is implemented in the Mureș River catchment area - the Mureș, Alba, Cluj, Harghita, Sibiu, Hunedoara and Arad counties
General Objective: Strengthening the support provided to the decision making process in the field of the dangerous chemicals and waste by developing a support instrument for decision making in the management of persistent organic pollutants.
Specific Objectives:
Development of a support instrument for decision making in the management of persistent organic pollutants – the POP database for the Mureş catchment area.
Public institutions capacity building (environmental protection agencies, water management agencies, public health authorities) for the evaluation of the environmental risks on human health.