Program P1 - Development of the national Research and Development system.
Priority Axis 2 – Subprogram 1.2 - Institutional Performance. Institutional Performance. Institutional development projects – Complex projects realized in RDI consortia.
P3: "Lucian Blaga" University from Sibiu Incremental forming of parts from automotive industry


The research team of the "Lucian Blaga" University from Sibiu coordinates the component project 3 "Smart manufacturing by incremental sheet forming of automotive parts" and is involved in the other 4 components of the complex project, as follows.

No. Name and surname Didactic/ Scientific Degree Function in the project
1. RACZ Sever-Gabriel Prof. Ph.D. ULBS partner responsible in the complex project and researcher member
2. BOLOGA Octavian-Constantin Prof. Ph.D. Researcher member
3. BREAZ Radu-Eugen Prof. Ph.D. Researcher member
4. OLEKSIK Valentin Ştefan Prof. Ph.D. Researcher member
5. PASCU Adrian-Marius Prof. Ph.D. Researcher member
6. POPP Ilie Assoc. Prof. Ph.D Researcher member
7. GÎRJOB Claudia-Emilia Lect. Ph.D. IC project component responsible and researcher member
8. CHICEA Anca-Lucia Lect. Ph.D. Component 5 Project responsible (coordinator ULBS - UB) and researcher member
9. BIRIȘ Cristina Lect. Ph.D. Component 1 Project responsible (coordinator ULBS - UPIT) and researcher member
10. TERA Melania Lect. Ph.D. Component 4 Project responsible (coordinator ULBS - UGAL) and researcher member
11. CRENGANIȘ Mihai Lect. Ph.D. Component 2 Project responsible (coordinator ULBS - TUIASI) and researcher member
12. POPP Mihai-Octavian Research Assist. PhD student
13. RUSU Gabriela-Petruța Research Assist. PhD student
14. BÂRSAN Alexandru Research Assist. PhD student
15. MAROȘAN Adrian-Iosif Research Assist. PhD student
16. PUIA Cristina Ec. Tehnician
17. ZAHARIA Mihai - Tehnician