Mircea Fuciu holds a PhD in Marketing (2015) from the Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Romania with a focus on social media impact on consumer behaviour. Currently he is an Assistant Professor / Lecturer in Marketing within the Faculty of Economic Sciences of the Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu (ULBS). He is an editor of the Revista Economică Journal (ISSN: 1582-6260) an international indexed journal as well as an academic guest editor for a special issue on Challenges and opportunities for the Sustainable Energy Economy of the Energies Journal (ISSN: 1996-1073) a Web of Science – Clarivate & Scopus indexed journal. Throughout his career he has been member of the organising committee of several International Scientific Conferences in Romania and is a scientific reviewer for both national and international journals like: Sustainability, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research, Technology in Society, Energies, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, Administrative Sciences, Annales Universitatis Apulensis Series Oeconomica etc. His main research area is related with consumer behaviour in the context of technological use and of social media marketing, marketing research, international marketing, cultural marketing, services marketing, project management etc. He is the first author or co-author of more than 50 scientific papers indexed in Web Of Science – Clarivate, Scopus, CEEOL, RePec – EconPapers etc. and has participated, in more than 10 national and international EU funded projects, as project expert or activities coordinator.
Academic interests:
consumer behaviour, marketing research, cultural marketing, international marketing, services marketing, project management