Andrei Terian is Professor of Romanian literature and Vice Rector for Research, Innovation, and Internationalization at the Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu, Romania. His specialties are 19th-21st centuries Romanian literature, critical theory, and world literature. He has published essays in international journals such as Textual Practice, Life Writing, CLCWeb – Comparative Literature and Culture, Slovo, World Literature Studies, Interlitteraria, ALEA: Estudos Neolatinos. His latest books include the coedited volumes Romanian Literature as World Literature (Bloomsbury, 2018) and Theory in the “Post” Era (Bloomsbury, 2021; AATSEEL Prize for Best Multi-Scholarly Volume). He is the PI of the ERC Consolidator Grant “A Transnational History of Romanian Literature” (2021–2026).
Academic interests:
Romanian literature, world literature, literary canon and cultural heritage