Project title

Workforce analytics with machine learning algoritms for evaluating employee performance and satisfaction in teleworking environments (TeleWanalytics)

Project director

Prof. dr. ing. Claudiu-Vasile KIFOR


Hasso Plattner Foundation

Project description

In the last two decades, developments in the field of information and communication technology have been among the key factors in the change of professional life, which have contributed to the emergence of a flexible system of work organization: telework. However, a number of questions also arose, some of which still have open answers:

- what are the differences in the virtual work environment compared to the physical one, in terms of human capital management, especially employee performance?

- what are the implications of working in the virtual environment on the professional satisfaction and personal life of employees? How is the work / personal life balance affected?

- on the basis of which criteria are established: the necessary training, professional development schemes, recruitment policies in the virtual environment?

- how employees are motivated to perform and contribute to organizational improvements in the context of telework.

The aim of the TeleWanalytics project is to provide tools, based on machine learning algorithms, to contribute to improving the performance and satisfaction of employees working in both the physical and virtual environment.

In addition to the social and economic impact, we expect that the project will contribute to the development of human resources and increase the visibility of scientific activity, by continuing research and attracting new members to the team already formed in previous research.