
ARCAN in a nutshell:

  • The famous diagnosis made by Nicolae Iorga (and confirmed by many other critics), that Romanians did not have “a novel of their own” in the first 50-70 years of the genre’s existence in Romania, is not confirmed by a quantitative analysis of the genre in relation to Romanian poetry.
  • At least in the first century of existence of the Romanian novel, its “canon” is not defined by a simple denial of the properties of the “archive,” but the relationship between the two poles is much more complex.
  • Until the First World War, there was no sufficiently clear typological differentiation between the subgenres of the novel in Romania, just as there was no firm opposition here between the “artistic” novel and popular fiction.
  • The “canonical” Romanian novel emerged after the First World War through the systematic elimination of all “popular” features from its content.
  • Although typologically delineated in relation to the “artistic” novel, popular fiction remained a profoundly underdeveloped phenomenon in interwar Romania.
  • The first novel of Romanian literature—Elvira sau Amorul făr’ de sfârșit (Elvira, or Endless Love, 1845), signed only with the initials “D.F.B.”—was actually written by C. A. Rosetti.


  1. Pojoga, Vlad. “Narațiune și interacțiune: preliminarii teoretice comparate.” Transilvania, no. 11-12 (2021): 53–58.
  2. Gârdan [= Modoc], Daiana. “Shaping the Canon. The International Profile of Viața Românească (1906-1916).” Metacritic Journal for Comparative Studies and Theory 7, no. 2 (2021): 84–98.
  3. Varga, Dragoș. “The Winning Formula. Convenții și stereotipuri ale romanului haiducesc în Mina haiduceasa. Fata codrilor de George Baronzi.” Transilvania, no. 11-12 (2021): 58–61.
  4. Terian, Andrei. “Căldură mare. Temperatura pasiunilor în romanul Ion de Liviu Rebreanu.” Transilvania, no. 11-12 (2021): 35–44.
  5. Terian, Andrei. „Principles for an Evolutionary Taxonomy of the Romanian Novel.” Transylvanian Review 31, suppl. 1 (2022): 11-24.
  6. Vancu, Radu. “‘The Lost Child’ and ‘The Womanless Novel’: An Exploratory Proposal for a Revisitation of the History of Romanian Novel.” Transylvanian Review 31, suppl. 1 (2022): 25-34. [PDF]
  7. Baghiu, Ștefan. “Liviu Rebreanu și Sofia Nădejde ca World Literature: geopolitică, interimperialitate și descoperirea lumii în romanul modern.” Transilvania, no. 10 (2022): 1-9.
  8. Baghiu, Ștefan. “Apartenența multiplă de subgen. O propunere pentru istoria formelor romanești.” Transilvania, no. 11-12 (2022): 45-49.
  9. Pojoga, Vlad. “Narațiunea proto-hipertextuală în literatura română: Tudor Arghezi, Tablete din Țara de Kuty (I).” Transilvania, no. 11-12 (2022): 13-20.
  10. Pojoga, Vlad. “Narațiunea proto-hipertextuală în literatura română: Tudor Arghezi, Tablete din Țara de Kuty (II).” Transilvania, no. 8 (2023): 7-14.
  11. Gârdan [= Modoc], Daiana. “Exotizare a consumului și alienare capitalistă în Calea Victoriei de Cezar Petrescu.” Transilvania, no. 8 (2023): 1-6.
  12. Modoc, Emanuel. “Un subgen minor al romanul românesc: naturalismul.” Transilvania, no. 8 (2023): 15-20.
  13. Borza, Cosmin, Daiana Gârdan și Emanuel Modoc. “The peasant and the nation plot: A distant reading of the Romanian rural novel from the first half of the twentieth century.” Rural History – Economy, Society, Culture (WoS-AHCI), 34, no. 1 (2023), 75–91. DOI:

Book Chapters:

  1. Gârdan [= Modoc], Daiana. “A Literary Form and Its Peripheral Uses: (French) Naturalism in Romania and Brazil”, in Alex Goldiș and Ștefan Baghiu (eds.),Translations and Semi-Peripheral Cultures. Worlding the Romanian Novel in the Modern Literary System (Berlin: Peter Lang, 2022), 113-130.
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