
O1: e-Learning Platform for Telemedicine

The platform provides an open online course on all topics covered by the project in the field of neurosurgery and biotechnology. It contains at least the following features: :

  • streaming functionalities for the telemedicine applications showing the surgical procedures
  • e-learning functionalities
  • web 2.0. features (discussion forums for the students; chatting functionalities, facebook and twitter feeds)
  • a role concept allowing the visualization of different types of content depending on the role a user has
  • a network feature allowing users to work together on different tasks and topics

Responsible and Deadline

  • Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu
  • All partner members provided content and ideas on the structure of the platform
Duration: M1 – M9 (September 2018 to June 2019)

Results: Platform URL:

O2: Elaboration of training materials

The elaboration of the training materials was done in the first year, and was be updated yearly, 4 months in advance of each Summer School, because the thematic of each SS is different, which requireed new research and updated elaboration.

Responsible and Deadline

  • ULPGC and UNICUSANO covered information about 3D printed parts to simulate soft and hard tissue, useful for training surgeons.
  • ULBS and HOSIB covered the Neurosurgical theory and the content related to the treatment methodology, as well as the diagnostic process in a clinic.
Duration: M1 – M9 (September 2018 to June 2019)

O3: Training methodology - Intensive Summer Programme

  • O3-1 - Intensive Summer Programme "Trauma in Neurosurgery" (15.07-2019 - 28.07.2019)
  • O3-2 & O3-3 - Intensive Summer Programme "Neuro-oncology and Neurovascular Surgery "(16.08.2021 - 25.08.2021)

Responsible and Deadline

Each organisation sent at least three/ two teachers who teached in accordance to their specialisation/competence.

  • UNICUSANO & ULPGC was responsible for the 3D printed molds necessary for the training
  • ULBS provided administrative support in the organisation of the ISPs to all partner universities.
  • HOSIB provided the environment and hosted the ISPs.
Duration: M1 – M9 (September 2018 to June 2019)

O5: Brain Revealed - Handbook for Students and Practitioners

A handbook that is available both in print and online on the project e-platform, which comprises all the important information delivered during the three years project. The book is freely-available to anyone interested.

Responsible and Deadline

Each partner was responsible for one chapter, according to their expertise and responsibility during the Intensive Summer Schools.

  • ULPGC covered 3D reconstruction, biofabrication or additive manufacturing.
  • UNICUSANO was responsible for mechanical, thermal, optical and electrical measurements and 3D printing.
  • ULBS covered Neurosurgical part & the preparation of an innovative course for training future specialists on the practical and academic aspects of microsurgery.
  • HOSIB contributed with content related to the treatment methodology, as well as the diagnostic process in a clinic.
Duration: M11 – M34 (July 2019 to June 2021)

Results: Handbook:

E1: Multiplier Event- Brain Revealed: New procedures and new teaching methods for neurosurgery

The multiplier event took place both online and onsite between 26-28 August 2021 at Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu where there were invited students, lectors and prestigios personalities - from Neurosurgery, Neurosciences and connexe activities - from Romania and abroad.

Following the evaluation of the event, the participants were declared satisfied regarding the presented papers, and the disponibility of lecturers to answer questions to other specialists and students.

The field of biomaterials and innovative technologies have the purpose to facilitate and develop the interventional actions for neurosurgeons, by bringing a semnificative value in putting a diagnosis, in treating and in recovering of patients after surgery interventions

The organization of the event and also the facil access and the interaction between participants and lecturers have been very well evaluated.

Regarding the participants, for the onsite multiplier event there were 221 local participants and 4 international participants (from organisations and associations other than partner organisations in the project - ULBS, ULPGC, UNICUSANO and HOSIB), as follows:

  • students - 7
  • residents - 6
  • teaching staff - 6 local teaching staff and 4 international staff
  • specialists from private and public hospitals - 77
  • others -125

For the online event: 496 participants - students 8,22%; residents 9,59%, specialists 57,53%; other 24.66%;
The results of the multiplier event were:9 scientific sessions, 46 scientific lectures and 34 invited speakers.
There were presentations and dissemination of hanbooks and an awarding event for students attending the summer schools.
Feedback from the multiplier event:

  • scientific program: Excellent 75.2%, Good 24.8%
  • invited speakers: Excellent 73.1%, Good 26.9%
  • discussed issues: Excellent 62.8 %, Good 35.9%, Poor 1.4%
  • presentations: Excellent 55.9%, Good 42.8%, Poor 1.4%

The multiplier event was disseminated through and targeted students, residents, specialists and professors and on the platform of Romanian Neurosurgery Society- and targeted all neurosurgery practitioners from Romania.''

Duration: M34 (June 2021)

C1 - Intensive Summer Programme "Trauma in Neurosurgery"- Year 1

20 participants:

  • ULPGC – 7 students + 3 academics
  • UNICUSANO – 2 students + 2 academics
  • ULBS – 11 students + 2 academics
Duration: 14 days (15.07-2019 - 28.07.2019)

Intensive Summer Programme "Trauma in Neurosurgery", :

C2 - Intensive Summer Programme "Neuro-oncology"
C3 - Intensive Summer Programme "Neurovascular Surgery"

Due to the pandemic context of Covid 19 the summer school C2 planified for 2020 and the summer school C3 planified for 2021 were organized together in 2021. Even though both summer schools were organized at the same time, they respected all the organizational aspects as established in the beginning of the project.

20 participants:

  • ULPGC – 7 students + 3 academics
  • UNICUSANO – 2 students + 2 academics
  • ULBS – 11 students + 2 academics
Duration: 10 days (16.08.2021 - 25.08.2021)

Intensive Summer Programme "Neuro-oncology and Neurovascular Surgery":

C4 - Intensive programme for teaching staff - "Trauma in Neurosurgery"
Duration: 14 days (15.07.2019 - 27.07.2019)

C5 - Intensive programme for teaching staff - "Neurovascular Surgery"
C6 - Intensive programme for teaching staff - "Neuro-oncology"
Duration: 10 days (16.08.2021 - 25.08.2021)