


Conference presentation

The partial results of the METRA NLP subteam are presented in the EMNLP Conference (Miami, Florida),  one of the three primary high impact conferences for natural language processing research. (

Special issue launched

The special issue no. 5/2024 of the journal Transilvania edited within METRA is launched in Sibiu  (

Conference session

The METRA team organizes e special session (“Tragic Form, Civil War, and Polycrisis”) within the international conference Historical Materialism (șura-HM__27-aug-2024.pdf)

Special issue published

The special issue no. 5/2024 of the journal Transilvania (“The Limits of Tragedy”), edited within METRA, is published (

Project presentation

Professor Andrei Terian presents the METRA project in the Platform of Doctoral Research at the Sibiu International Theater Festival (

Kick-off meeting

Professor Franco Moretti gives two lectures (Tragic Form and Civil War; Network Semantics) at the Faculty of Letters and Arts (