Unveiling the Feminine Narrative: Women’s Roles in the Russian-Ukrainian Conflict in Romanian Media
On May 23, 2024, Denisa Bâlc and Iulia-Maria Ticărău participated in the conference “Women in Eastern and Southeastern Europe and the Experience of War,” held in Sibiu, Romania. They presented their research, titled “Unveiling the Feminine Narrative: Analyzing the Role of Women in Mediating the Russian-Ukrainian Conflict,” which is based on the corpus compiled for…
Fostering resilience against war disinformation among the youth:CORECON joins forces with FORTHEM’s DisInfoResist to develop a research study and intervention for schools
DisInfoResist is the name of the FORTHEM student-driven pilot study and intervention project devoted to building up resilience to disinformation on Russian-Ukrainian conflict among Polish teenagers. It took place in Opole in the spring semester of 2024 and was carried out by a group of University of Opole MA students of English Philology supervised by…