Ştefan Baghiu (Project Leader) is a PhD and Assistant Professor of Romanian Literature and Literary Theory with the Department of Romance Studies at Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu. He co-edited The Culture of Translation in Romania (Berlin: Peter Lang, 2018) and Ruralism and Literature in Romania (Berlin: Peter Lang, 2019). Secretary of Transilvania journal in Sibiu, coordinator of Astra Data Mining: The Digital Museum of the Romanian Novel: https://revistatransilvania.ro/mdrr/.
detailed CV here

Mihaela Ursa (Mentor) is Professor of comparative literature and Vice Dean at the Faculty of Letters, Babes-Bolyai University of Cluj, Romania. Editor-in-chief of Metacritic Journal for Comparative Studies and Theory: https://www.metacriticjournal.com. She has authored books, articles, studies and chapters on comparative literature, cultural studies, intermediality, gender studies and critical theory. Present in series such as Literatures as World Literature, at Bloomsbury USA (2018), and Palgrave Studies in Life Writing at Palgrave Macmillan (2019).
detailed CV here