PUBLICATIONS (monographs/ edited volumes/ book chapters/ special issues/ articles, etc.)
- Polilova, Vera. “German and Spanish rhythmic accents in Russian three-ictus dolnik.” Studia Metrica et Poetica 11, no. 2 (2024): 7-44.
- Pilshchikov, Igor. “Stikhotvornoe poslanie v zhanrovoi sisteme evropeiskogo i russkogo klassitsizma (Metrika i tematika)” [Verse Epistle in the Genre System of European and Russian Neoclassicism (Meters and Themes), 5500 words (in Russian)]. In: Hoványi, Márton, and Molnár, Angelika (eds.), Nyelvi jelenlét: „Milyen nyelvet alkottam s beszéltem?” Nyelvi jelenlét: Tanulmányok a nyolcvanéves Kovács Árpád tiszteletére = “L’idioma ch’usai e che fei.” The Language Presence: Collected essays on the occasion of Árpád Kovács’s 80th birthday, Budapest: ELTE (University of Budapest) Eötvös József Collegium, 2024, pp. 69–85.
- Anastasia Belousova. “Poesía y poética entre los continentes: métrica comparada y práctica de la traducción de Igor Kaczurowskyj”. Actas de la Cuarta Jornada Internacional de Estudios Eslavos. Buenos Aires, 2024, pp. 132-138.
PRESENTATIONS (organized conferences or conference panels/ papers presented in conferences, workshops, etc./ invited lectures/ roundtables/ science popularization, etc.)
Conference papers:
- Flack Patrick, Kafkas Verwandlung: Scheidewege des europäischen Symbolismus (Rimbaud, Hofmannsthal, Zaum), Invited Talk, Oberseminar Slawistik, Universität Bamberg, January 22 2025
- Flack, Patrick. “Constructive Answers to the Crisis of Symbolism: the reception context of Russian Formalism in Prague and Vienna”, New Readings on Russian Formalism at the Crossroads of Slavic Cultural History, Université Libre de Bruxelles, October 22, 2024.
- Michał Mrugalski: “Books of Experience: Anthologies of Russian Formalism as Collection of Science Experiences”, New Readings on Russian Formalism: At the Crossroads of Slavic Cultural History, Brussels, October 21-22, 2024.
- Michał Mrugalski: “Борец за право народа в искусстве титанов“. The Elements of Populist Terrorism in Avantgarde Practices and Discourses”, Titanism: Figures of Social and Political Subjectivity between Superman and Nation-Builder, Fribourg, 23 – 25 May 2024.
- Erik Martin: “The Poetics of Recognition and the Poison of Resentment: The Case of the “Superman” Raskolnikov”, Titanism: Figures of Social and Political Subjectivity between Superman and Nation-Builder, Fribourg, May 23 – 25 2024
- Dobritsyn Andrei. The rhythm of French verse from the point of view of Russian syllabotonics (new data). The Gasparov Conference 2024, Russian State University for the Humanities, April 11, 2024.
- Dobritsyn Andrei. The rhythm of French verse from the point of view of Russian syllabotonics and Batiushkov translations. The 7th Ilyushin Conference, Lomonosov Moscow State University, February 19, 2024.