PUBLICATIONS (monographs/ edited volumes/ book chapters/ special issues/ articles, etc.)

  1. Polilova, Vera. “German and Spanish rhythmic accents in Russian three-ictus dolnik.” Studia Metrica et Poetica 11, no. 2 (2024): 7-44.
  2. Pilshchikov, Igor. “Stikhotvornoe poslanie v zhanrovoi sisteme evropeiskogo i russkogo klassitsizma (Metrika i tematika)” [Verse Epistle in the Genre System of European and Russian Neoclassicism (Meters and Themes), 5500 words (in Russian)]. In: Hoványi, Márton, and Molnár, Angelika (eds.), Nyelvi jelenlét: „Milyen nyelvet alkottam s beszéltem?” Nyelvi jelenlét: Tanulmányok a nyolcvanéves Kovács Árpád tiszteletére = “L’idioma ch’usai e che fei.” The Language Presence: Collected essays on the occasion of Árpád Kovács’s 80th birthday, Budapest: ELTE (University of Budapest) Eötvös József Collegium, 2024, pp. 69–85.
  3. Anastasia Belousova. “Poesía y poética entre los continentes: métrica comparada y práctica de la traducción de Igor Kaczurowskyj”. Actas de la Cuarta Jornada Internacional de Estudios Eslavos. Buenos Aires, 2024, pp. 132-138.


PRESENTATIONS (organized conferences or conference panels/ papers presented in conferences, workshops, etc./ invited lectures/ roundtables/ science popularization, etc.)

Conference papers:

  1. Flack Patrick, Kafkas Verwandlung: Scheidewege des europäischen Symbolismus (Rimbaud, Hofmannsthal, Zaum), Invited Talk, Oberseminar Slawistik, Universität Bamberg, January 22 2025
  2. Flack, Patrick. “Constructive Answers to the Crisis of Symbolism: the reception context of Russian Formalism in Prague and Vienna”, New Readings on Russian Formalism at the Crossroads of Slavic Cultural History, Université Libre de Bruxelles, October 22, 2024.
  3. Michał Mrugalski: “Books of Experience: Anthologies of Russian Formalism as Collection of Science Experiences”, New Readings on Russian Formalism: At the Crossroads of Slavic Cultural History, Brussels, October 21-22, 2024.
  4. Michał Mrugalski: “Борец за право народа в искусстве титанов“. The Elements of Populist Terrorism in Avantgarde Practices and Discourses”, Titanism: Figures of Social and Political Subjectivity between Superman and Nation-Builder, Fribourg, 23 – 25 May 2024.
  5. Erik Martin: “The Poetics of Recognition and the Poison of Resentment: The Case of the “Superman” Raskolnikov”, Titanism: Figures of Social and Political Subjectivity between Superman and Nation-Builder, Fribourg, May  23 – 25 2024
  6. Dobritsyn Andrei. The rhythm of French verse from the point of view of Russian syllabotonics (new data). The Gasparov Conference 2024, Russian State University for the Humanities, April 11, 2024.
  7. Dobritsyn Andrei. The rhythm of French verse from the point of view of Russian syllabotonics and Batiushkov translations. The 7th Ilyushin Conference, Lomonosov Moscow State University, February 19, 2024.