Ionela VLASE
Ionela Vlase is the Principal Investigator of FERBOPO ERA Chair Project, coordinating WPs 3 and 5.
Prof. Ionela Vlase is a sociologist with expertise in project management and administration, as well as ULBS representative in the National Council Approving the University Titles, Diplomas and Certificates – CNATCDU. She also drafted the Gender Equality Plan (2022-2027) for ULBS.
Ionela Vlase obtained her doctorate at the University of Neuchatel, Switzerland (2004-2009) with a PhD thesis on gender and migration. She has published scholarly articles on gender and ethnicity (Vlase and Voicu, 2014), sex work (Vlase and Grasso, 2021; Vlase and Preoteasa, 2021), and gendered social inequalities (Vlase and Preoteasa, 2018). Between 2018-2022, she served as associate editor of European Societies (the official journal of European Sociological Association). Within the FERBOPO research component on ‘Gender, aging and body politics in the organizational culture’ (WP5), Ionela Vlase will coordinate a ULBS research team of both experienced researchers (category A and B) and young researchers (category C and D) from SSH.