Call for Applications: 3 Postdoc Positions at FERBOPO

3 Postdoctoral Positions to Work with the State-Church-Body Politics (FERBOPO) European Research Area (ERA) Chair

Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu (ULBS) invites applications for three (3) postdoctoral research positions to work in the FERBOPO project, funded by the European Research Area (ERA) Chair.

Position: Postdoctoral Researcher

Period: 24 months fixed contract starting on 1 November 2025, with the possibility of renewal for an additional 24 months based on positive evaluation

Number of Hours per Month: 168 (full time equivalent)

Salary: 3,800 Euros per month, including taxes

Description of the Project:

The FERBOPO project aims at building a new research group focused on the complex relationship between State, Church and Body Politics in post-communism that would foster excellence in social sciences and better integrate ULBS in the ERA. Under the guidance of ERA Chair Prof. Lavinia STAN, the new research group will engage in research related to State, Church and Body Politics, attract competitive research funding, and assist ULBS to implement institutional reforms that align with ERA priorities.

Job Qualifications:

  • A PhD in social sciences or humanities (up to 8 years after defense), such as history, religious studies, law, anthropology, sociology, and political science
  • A good command of written and spoken English
  • A CV that demonstrates a high, international level research potential as evidenced by peer-reviewed publications, conference presentations and grants
  • Experience in working as part of a large team
  • A developed interest in the intersection of religion, state, and body politics and the theoretical, methodological and interdisciplinary framework of the project
  • Ability to handle headlines, meet research targets, participate in regular team activities
  • Only candidates with no previous contractual links with the ULBS will be considered.
  • Special consideration will be given to gender equality and recognition of international academic mobility of candidates.

Expectations of the Position:

  • Conduct research documenting the interplay of religion, state and body politics in Romania and Central and Eastern Europe before, during and after 1989
  • Attend all in-person FERBOPO events and meetings
  • Attend regular and strategic meetings in person or via Zoom
  • Present your findings at one conference per year, at least
  • Participate in lectures, workshops and roundtables offered by the ERA Chair and the expert group members
  • Produce at least one article manuscript per year for publication in an internationally recognized peer-review scholarly journal
  • Undertake at least one international mobility to improve academic writing skills
  • Submit at least one research proposal to research calls organized by national or international funding agencies such as UEFISCDI in Romania or Horizon Europe
  • Successful candidates should relocate to Sibiu to work full-time as part of the new research group for the duration of the contract.

What We Offer:

As part of an international research group hosted by ULBS, we offer an attractive work environment in an historic city. Postdoctoral researchers will benefit from continuous scientific exchange and mentorship from the ERA Chair, the FERBOPO experts, and the group’s senior members. Working conditions include the following:

  • A 24-month fixed contract starting on 1 November 2025, renewable contingent on a positive evaluation and team needs for an additional 24 months
  • A monthly salary of 3,800 Euros including taxes (168 hours per month/full time)
  • Financial support for travel to FERBOPO events and meetings
  • Funding for undertaking one 30-day research trip outside Romania to improve academic writing skills, build research networks, prepare funding applications
  • Funding for a 3-day international conference per year.

How to Apply:

The dossier must include the following documents (all in English):

  • A cover letter describing how your profile meets the selection criteria, your research interests, and your anticipated contribution to the project
  • A five-page plan (excluding bibliography) of the research you will undertake within the framework of the ERA Chair group. The plan should explain how you expect to engage the available theories to make a significant contribution to knowledge, as well as the methodological and conceptual framework you will deploy
  • A complete CV, including a list of scholarly and non-scholarly publications, as well as conference presentations
  • Two relevant sample publications
  • Copies of your university diplomas, including your PhD degree
  • Two letters of reference from scholars who know your work. Letters should be sent directly by those scholars to

Please submit documents in one single PDF file by email to


Your application should be submitted by 1 May 2025. No applications will be accepted after the closing date.

Shortlisted candidates will be invited to an in-person interview scheduled during 18 May – 1 June 2025. They may be asked for additional materials before and after the interview.

Results will be announced by 15 June 2025.

Further information about the ERA Chair and FERBOPO can be obtained here:

Please address inquiries about the project’s scientific aims and methodology to: Dr. Lavinia Stan, ERA Chair ( or