On Monday, 16 December 2024, a free webinar will take place online that will focus on women’s studies as a field and Women’s Studies International Forum (WSIF).
Date: 16 December 2024
Time: 11am (EET) [9am UTC/GMT, 10am CET, 5pm CST, 4am EST]
Online Registration: https://events.teams.microsoft.com/event/d54724fb-4b13-4978-be1d-a17cba55dcea@9274ee3f-9425-4109-a27f-9fb15c10675d
In this webinar, Prof. Lavinia Stan (Editor-in-Chief of WSIF), Prof. Cynthia Horne (Associate Editor) and Oluwatooni Akinkuotu (Associate Publisher) will cover all things related to submission success, including:
1. An introduction to women’s studies and WSIF:
2. Understanding the peer review process
3. What do editors look for in submissions
4. Top tips for authors:
There will also be an opportunity for attendees to pose questions at the end of the webinar.