Mihaela HERCIU
Mihaela Herciu is the Deputy Manager for FERBOPO ERA Chair and the coordinator of WP1 and WP7.
Prof. Mihaela Herciu has expertise in management and economics and a vast experience of institutional project implementation. As the Director of Council for Doctoral Studies she is managing more than 500 doctoral students and more than 100 PhD supervisors, from 16 research fields. Between 2011-2016 she was Head of the Finance and Accounting Department and for almost a year (2020-2021) Head of Research and Development Department at university level.
Mihaela Herciu is also a PhD coordinator in the field of management since 2016 and co-editor of the Studies in Business and Economics, a Web of Science and Scopus indexed journal. During the last 10 years she implemented as a coordinator or as a team member projects like: (1) “Futures of Innovation Technologies European Digital Innovation Hub” (FIT EDIH), Digital Europe program; “Development of new and emerging technologies in the context of stimulating research excellence at ULBS” (TEHNE), Romanian Government Fund; “Development of advanced and applied research skills in STEAM + Health logic”, European Social Fund; “Innovative higher education in project management using modern educational techniques”, European Social Fund.