Tamás Péter Szabó, PhD, Title of Docent of Linguistic Landscape Studies at the Centre for Applied Language Studies, Senior Lecturer of Multilingualism and the Internationalization of Teacher Education at the Department of Teacher Education. Szabó is a co-chair of FORTHEM Labs and Co-creation Mission Board and Alliance level Contact Person for FORTHEM Multilingualism in School and Higher Education Lab. He is a co-chair of the Forum of European Universities Subgroup of Multilingualism. Szabó has led several research projects, including a Marie Curie Fellowship ‘Finding Own Words’ (2014–2016), as well as teams and work packages in the Erasmus+ KA2 projects ‘Everyday Creativity’ (2017–2019) and ‘Translanguaging for Equal Opportunities: Speaking Romani at School’ (2019–2022). He has published extensively on language ideologies, classroom interaction, the linguistic landscape of education, videographic methods in ethnography, and multilingual and language aware pedagogy.
Academic interests:
language ideologies, classroom interaction, the linguistic landscape of education, videographic methods in ethnography, multilingual and language aware pedagogy